/Orders/{orderID} GET

This end point permits the retrieval of an order.



Header Data Type Valid Values Required Description
Content-Type string application/json YES The format your data will be sent to our site.
X-DevKey string string YES The devkey assigned to the developer.
X-AccessToken string string YES The token acquired from a POST to Users/AccessToken.


NOTE: Variables to place in the query string of the request.



If the orderid is not valid, you will receive a 404 NotFound and a Message Response indicating the reason.

If there are no errors with the input parameters, this call will respond with a 200 OK and the following data as serialized JSON

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
OrderID integer positive # id belonging to order
BillToName string string Name of the person paying
BillToAddress1 string string Address1 of the person paying
BillToAddress2 string string Address2 of the person paying
BillToCity string string City of the person paying
BillToState string string State or provinces of the person paying
BillToPostalCode string string Postal code of the person paying
BillToCountryCode string string Country of the person paying
BillToEmail string string Email of the person paying
BillToPhone string string Phone number of the person paying
Buyer User Summary User Summary The Buyer of the order.
BuyerConfirmationDate DateTime DateTime Date when the buyer confirmed the price of the order
BuyerReviewDate DateTime DateTime Date when the buyer reviewed the order
CancelDate DateTime DateTime The date when the order was canceled ( if it was canceled )
ChargebackDate DateTime DateTime Date when a chargeback was posted on the order
CouponCode string string Coupon Code used in this order
CouponValue Decimal Decimal Value of the Coupon applied to this order
FailedRefundDate DateTime DateTime Date when a refund failed
FFLNumber string string The FFL number belonging to the order. ( if the order needed a FFL )
FFLReceivedDate DateTime DateTime The date when the FFL was received. ( if the order needed a FFL )
HasBuyerLeftFeedback bool bool Has the buyer left feedback on the item?
HasSellerLeftFeedback bool bool Has the seller left feedback on the item?
IsItemInsured bool bool Is there shipping insurance on this order the item.
Items Order Item Order Item Summary The items for the order.
LastModifiedDate DateTime DateTime The date when the order was last modified.
LostCashDiscount decimal decimal Discount amount lost when using a credit card.
LostCashDiscountPercent decimal decimal Percentage Discount lost when using a credit card.
MiscCharge decimal decimal Any miscellaneous up charge a seller may add.
MiscDescription string string The description of any miscellaneous up charge a seller may add.
MiscFee decimal decimal Any state charged miscellaneous fee.
MiscFeeDescription string string The description of any miscellaneous fee a state may charge.
OrderAcknowledgeDate DateTime DateTime Date when order was acknowledged.
OrderDate DateTime DateTime Date when order is created
OrderTotal Decimal Decimal Order Total
PartialRefundDate DateTime DateTime Date when a partial refund was submitted
PaymentMethods key/pair ( integer/string ) 2 - Certified Funds
4 - Personal Check
8 - Visa MasterCard
16 - COD
32 - GunTab Escrow
64 - AMEX
128 - Discover
512 - PayPal
8192 - Certified Check
16384 - USPS Money Order
32768 - Money Order
The payment methods the buyer selected.
PaymentReceivedDate DateTime DateTime Date when the seller received payment
RefundDate DateTime DateTime Date when item was refunded
ReturnedDate DateTime DateTime Date when item was returned
SalesTaxHandling Decimal Decimal Tax rate for handling.
SalesTaxInsurance Decimal Decimal Tax rate for insurance.
SalesTaxMisc Decimal Decimal Tax rate for the MiscCharge.
SalesTaxMiscFeeTotal Decimal Decimal Tax total for misc fees.
SalesTaxTotal Decimal Decimal Tax rate total plus compliance fee.
Seller User Summary User Summary The Seller of the order.
SellerReviewCompleteDate DateTime DateTime Date when the seller reviewed
SellerOrderID string string A unique order ID that is used by the seller. This is mainly an order id used in the sellers personal backoffice system.
ShipCarrier key/pair ( integer/string ) 0 - Unknown
1 - FedEx
2 - UPS
3 - USPS
What shipping carrier is shipping this order.
ShipClass key/pair ( integer/string ) 0 - None
1 - Overnight
2 - 2-Day
4 - 3-Day
8 - Ground
16 - USPS First Class
32 - USPS Priority Mail
64 - Other
128 - In Store Pick Up
256 - Alaska, Hawaii & Terr., Non-Continental US, Other
What shipping carrier is shipping this order.
ShipCost Decimal Decimal Shipping cost.
ShipDate DateTime DateTime Date the order shipped.
ShipFromName string string Name of the seller warehouse
ShipFromAddress1 string string Address1 of the seller warehouse
ShipFromAddress2 string string Address2 of the seller warehouse
ShipFromCity string string City of the seller warehouse
ShipFromState string string State or provinces of the seller warehouse
ShipFromPostalCode string string Postal code of the seller warehouse
ShipFromCountryCode string string Country of the seller warehouse
ShipFromEmail string string Email of the seller warehouse
ShipFromPhone string string Phone number of the seller warehouse
ShipHandlingCost Decimal Decimal Handling cost.
ShipInsuranceCost Decimal Decimal Insurance cost.
ShipToName string string Name of the buyer
ShipToAddress1 string string Address1 of the buyer
ShipToAddress2 string string Address2 of the buyer
ShipToCity string string City of the buyer
ShipToState string string State or provinces of the buyer
ShipToPostalCode string string Postal code of the buyer
ShipToCountryCode string string Country of the buyer
ShipToEmail string string Email of the buyer
ShipToPhone string string Phone number of the buyer
ShipTrackingNumber string string The tracking number belonging to the order.
Status key/pair ( integer/string ) 1 - Seller Review
2 - Pending Buyer Confirmation
3 - Pending Payment
4 - Pending Shipment
5 - Order Complete
6 - Order Cancelled
7 - Pending Buyer Review
10 - On Layaway
11 - Payment In Process
12 - Order Returned
13 - Refund Order
The status of the order.
TaxCloudCartID GUID GUID If TaxCloud was used to calculate taxes for this order, you can use this value to lookup the transaction in TaxCloud. This value will be null if Taxes were not calculated via TaxCloud. Note, this information is only provided to the Seller.


Rel Description Condition
self The order
item The items on the order