/Users/AccountInfo GET

Returns account information about the logged-in user



Header Data Type Valid Values Required Description
Content-Type string application/json YES The format your data will be sent to our site.
X-DevKey string string YES The devkey assigned to the developer.
X-AccessToken string string YES The token acquired from a POST to Users/AccessToken.


NOTE: Variables to place in the query string of the request.



If the user credentials are not for an active user, you will recieve a 403 Forbidden and a Message Response indicating the reason

If the user credentials are for an active user, you will receive a 200 OK and the following data as serialized JSON

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
FirstName string string The first name of the user.
LastName string string The last name of the user.
Address1 string string The first line of the user's address.
Address2 string string The second line of the user's address.
City string string The city of the user.
State string string The state of the user.
PostalCode string string The postal code of the user.
CountryCode string string The country code of the user.
PrimaryPhone string string The primary phone number of the user.
PrimaryPhoneType int int The primary phone type of the user.
SecondaryPhone string string The secondary phone number of the user.
SecondaryPhoneType int int The secondary phone type of the user.
Fax string string The fax phone number of the user.
UseBusiness boolean true/false If true, then the business versions of name, address, and phone numbers should be userd wherever applicable
BusinessCompany string string The company name associated with the user.
BusinessFirstName string string The business first name of the user.
BusinessLastName string string The business last name of the user.
BusinessAddress1 string string The first line of the user's business address.
BusinessAddress2 string string The second line of the user's business address.
BusinessCity string string The business city of the user.
BusinessState string string The business state of the user.
BusinessPostalCode string string The business postal code of the user.
BusinessCountryCode string string The business country code of the user.
BusinessPrimaryPhone string string The primary business phone number of the user.
BusinessPrimaryPhoneType int int The primary business phone type of the user.
BusinessSecondaryPhone string string The secondary business phone number of the user.
BusinessSecondaryPhoneType int int The secondary business phone type of the user.
BusinessFax string string The business fax phone number of the user.
PublicEmailAddress string string The public email belonging to the user.
RegistrationEmailAddress string string The email used during registration
User User Summary User Summary The user summary for the logged-in user
FFLSummary FFL Summary FFL Summary The FFL summary for the logged-in user
LoginFlags integer An enumeration specifying the user login settings 0 - No settings. This login is for a linked user.

1 - Primary User. This is the primary login for the user.