Allows a user to bid on an item. If confirmation is needed, a link will be returned requesting the bid be resubmitted for confirmation.



Header Data Type Valid Values Required Description
Content-Type string application/json YES The format your data will be sent to our site.
X-DevKey string string YES The devkey assigned to the developer.
X-AccessToken string string YES The token acquired from a POST to Users/AccessToken.


NOTE: Variables to place in the body of the request.

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
ItemID integer positive # The item id for the item to bid on.
Amount decimal positive # The maximum bid for the item. AutoBid will bid on the user's behalf up to the maximum bid which is kept secret from other users.


If the bid is markedly higher than the current bid or your bid is higher than the BuyNow! price for this item, you will receive a 302 Redirect which will contain a Link to confirm that the bid is correct.

If the bid does not result in you becoming the winning bidder, you will receive a 409 Conflict and a Message Response indicating reasons.

If your bid results in you becoming the winning bidder, you will receive a 200 OK and a Message Response indicating success.


Rel Description Condition
confirmbid Confirm the bid A Message Response will be returned and contain this link only when the bid seems much higher than it should or if the bid meets or exceeds the BuyNow! Price.
item View the item A Message Response will contain this link when a confirm bid is needed, you've been outbid by autobid, the bid doesn't meet the reserve price or any other bidding related issue.