/DashboardCounts GET

Returns the MyGunBroker counts for buying, selling and support.



Header Data Type Valid Values Required Description
Content-Type string application/json YES The format your data will be sent to our site.
X-DevKey string string YES The devkey assigned to the developer.
X-AccessToken string string YES The token acquired from a POST to Users/AccessToken.


NOTE: Variables to place in the query string of the request.

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
AwaitingFeedbackDaysBack integer positive # The count for items for which logged in user is awaiting feedback in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.
BiddingOnDaysBack integer positive # The count for items this user bid on in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.
CreditRequestsDaysBack integer positive # The count for credit requests this user has in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.
DidntWinDaysBack integer positive # The count for items this user did not win in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.
FraudClaimsAgainstMeDaysBack integer positive # The count for fraud claims against this user in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.
FraudClaimsDaysBack integer positive # The count for fraud claims this user is involved in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.
LeaveFeedbackDaysBack integer positive # The count for items logged in user needs to leave feedback in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.
OrdersSoldDaysBack integer positive # The count for orders this user won in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.
OrdersWonDaysBack integer positive # The count for orders this user won in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.
PendingBuyerReviewDaysBack integer positive # The count for order that need to be started in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.
PendingCreditClaimsDaysBack integer positive # The count for pending credit claims this user has in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.
RecentFeedbackDaysBack integer positive # The count for feedback user left in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.
SellingDaysBack integer positive # The count for items this user is selling in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.
SoldDaysBack integer positive # The count for items this user sold in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.
UnsoldDaysBack integer positive # The count for items this user did not sell in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.
WonDaysBack integer positive # The count for items this user won in the last X days.
Default =0
NOTE: Any value <= 0, we will not take time into account.


If there are no errors with the input parameters, this call will respond with a 200 OK and the following data as serialized JSON

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
AwaitingFeedbackCount int postive number Count of items for which logged in user is awaiting feedback.
BiddingOnCount int postive number Count of items user has bid on.
CreditRequestsCount integer positive # Count of credit requests for user.
DidntWinCount int postive number Count of items user did not won.
FraudClaimsAgainstMeCount int postive number Count of fraud claims against user.
FraudClaimsCount int postive number Count of user fraud claims.
LeaveFeedbackCount int postive number Count of items user needs to leave feedback for.
NotStartedCheckoutItems integer positive # Count of order that need to be started.
OrdersSoldCount int postive number Count of orders user sold.
OrdersWonCount int postive number Count of orders user won.
PendingCreditClaimsCount int postive number Count of pending credit claims for user.
RecentFeedbackCount int postive number Count of recent user feedback.
SaveSearchesCount int postive number Count of save searches for a user.
ScheduleCount int postive number Count of items user has scheduled.
SellingCount int postive number Count of items user is selling.
SoldCount int postive number Count of items user sold.
UnsoldCount int postive number Count of items user did not sell.
WatchingCount int postive number Count of items user is watching.
SellerOfferCount int postive number Count of offers made to seller.
BuyerOfferCount int postive number Count of offers made by buyer.

