/FraudClaims/Seller GET

Returns the fraud claims submitted against the logged-in user as a seller List Response.



Header Data Type Valid Values Required Description
Content-Type string application/json YES The format your data will be sent to our site.
X-DevKey string string YES The devkey assigned to the developer.
X-AccessToken string string YES The token acquired from a POST to Users/AccessToken.


NOTE: Variables to place in the query string of the request.

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
ItemID integer positive number The ID of an item to search for
ItemTitle string any string A key phrase to search for in the item's title
BuyerName string any string The username of the buyer to search for
Sort integer 0 - Sort by Status Descrtiption Asc

1 - Sort by Status Description Desc

2 - Sort by ItemTitle Asc

3 - Sort by ItemTitle Desc

4 - Sort by DateTime Asc

5 - Sort by DateTime Desc (default)

6 - Sort by LastModifiedDate Asc

7 - Sort by LastModifiedDate Desc

8 - Sort by ItemID Asc

9 - Sort by ItemID Desc

10 - Sort by SellerUserName Asc

11 - Sort by SellerUserName Desc

12 - Sort by BuyerUserName Asc

13 - Sort by BuyerUserName Desc
The sort direction you want the results to be.
Status integer 0 - All

1 - Open

2 - Closed
A number indicating the status of the fraud claim.

Optional PagingParameters


If the user id is not valid, you will receive a 404 NotFound and a Message Response indicating the reason.

If there are no errors with the input parameters, this call will respond with a 200 OK and the following data as serialized JSON

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
ObjectID integer positive number The internal object ID of the fraud claim
ItemID integer positive number The item ID for the fraud claim
ItemTitle string any string The title of the item for the fraud claim
Buyer User Summary User Summary The Buyer of the item in the fraud claim
Seller User Summary User Summary The Seller of the item in the fraud claim
Status integer 0 = Pending

1 = WaitingOnBuyer

2 = WaitingOnSeller

3 = WaitingOnBuyerAndSeller

4 = ClaimPaymentPending (approved, submitted for payment)

100 = ClaimExpired (paperwork not received or incomplete)

101 = ClaimApproved (approved and paid)

102 = ClaimCanceledByUser (user canceled claim)

103 = ClaimCanceledBySite (site canceled claim, typically because buyer has received item)

104 = ClaimDeniedRefundIssued (seller never cashed payment or issued refund)

105 = ClaimDeniedConditionDispute (dispute over condition of item)

106 = ClaimDeniedBelowDeductible(total claim less than deductible)

107 = ClaimDeniedNonUS (buyer or seller outside USA)

108 = ClaimDeniedOther (all other denials) 109 = ClaimComplete

110 = AffidavitSent

A number indicating the status of the fraud claim, and the corresponding description. Note: The text description is used for sorting purposes, not the number
DateTime DateTime A valid date and time The date and time that the fraud claim was opened
LastModifiedDate DateTime A valid date and time The date and time that the fraud claim was last modified