/Users GET

Returns information about a particular user as a User Detail object.



Header Data Type Valid Values Required Description
Content-Type string application/json YES The format your data will be sent to our site.
X-DevKey string string YES The devkey assigned to the developer.


NOTE: Variables to place in the query string of the request.

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
UserID integer positive # The user id belonging to the user you are looking up.
UserName string string User name to the user you are looking up.
Email string string Email address for the user you are looking up.


If the parameters provied are not for an existing user, you will recieve a 403 Forbidden and a Message Response indicating the reason

If the parameters provied are for an existing user, you will receive a 200 OK and the following data as serialized JSON

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
UserID integer integer The user's identifier.
AccountFlags int int Internal value used to indicate what flags on the account have been turned on or off.
AccountStatus int int Internal value used to indicate the status of the account.
AccountStatusName int int The Account Status Name. Ex: New User, Active, etc...
Address1 string string The first line of the user's address.
Address2 string string The second line of the user's address.
AltEmail string string The alternate email belonging to the user.
AlternatePhone string string The alternate phone number of the user.
CanSell boolean boolean Indicates if the user is allowed to sell.
City string string The city of the user.
CompanyName string string The company name associated with the user.
CountryCode string string The country code of the user.
CreditLimit decimal decimal The user's credit limit
Email string string The email belonging to the user.
FaxPhone string string The fax phone number of the user.
FeedbackCount int int The user's feedback count
FeedbackRating decimal decimal The user's feedback rating
FeeDisplayName string string The name of the fee group of the User.
FeeID int int Unique value associated to the fees assessed to the User.
FirstName string string The first name of the user.
IsBusinessAddress boolean boolean If true, then the address is for a business.
IsDuplicateOf int int UserID of account that has been identified as it's duplicate
IsDupReviewed boolean boolean Indicates if the user has had duplicate accounts reviewed
LastName string string The last name of the user.
Phone string string The primary phone number of the user.
PostalCode string string The postal code of the user.
State string string The state of the user.
UserName string string The UserName of the user.
UserNotes string string History and notes related to the User.
UserOptions int int Total value of all enumerated User Options of the User.