/ItemsSelling GET

Returns all of the seller's active item listings List Response.



Header Data Type Valid Values Required Description
Content-Type string application/json YES The format your data will be sent to our site.
X-DevKey string string YES The devkey assigned to the developer.
X-AccessToken string string YES The token acquired from a POST to Users/AccessToken.


NOTE: Variables to place in the query string of the request.

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
AutoAcceptPrice decimal positive # The minimum price for an offer to be automatically accepted
AutoRejectPrice decimal positive # The maximum price for an offer to be automatically rejected
BuyNowOnly boolean true/false Specifies whether or not to return only listings that have a Buy Now price
CanOffer boolean true/false Returns Items that accept offers if set to true. Returns Items that do not accept offers if set to false
FixedPriceOnly boolean true/false Specifies whether or not to return only fixed price listings
HasBids boolean true/false Specifies whether or not to return only listings that have received bids
HasNoWinningBid boolean true/false Specifies whether or not to return only listings that do not have any bids that meet the reserve price
HighestBidderUserID integer positive # The user ID of the current highest bidder
HighestBidderUserName string any string The username of the current highest bidder
ItemID integer positive # The item ID of the item
Keywords string Keywords for search The keywords to use for search
Sort integer 0 - Item ID Ascending

1 - Item ID Descending

2 - Highest Bidder UserName Ascending

3 - Highest Bidder UserName Descending

4 - Item Title Ascending

5 - Item Title Descending

6 - Number of Watchers Ascending

7 - Number of Watchers Descending

8 - Number of Bids Ascending

9 - Number of Bids Descending

10 - Serial Number Ascending

11 - Serial Number Descending

12 - SKU Ascending

13 - SKU Descending

14 - Time Left Ascending

15 - Time Left Descending

16 - Expiration Date Ascending

17 - Expiration Date Descending
The field to sort on. Default = 0 - Item ID Ascending
TimeFrame integer 0 - ViewCurrent

5 - ViewEndingCalendarToday

6 - ViewNewLast24

7 - ViewNewLast48

16 - ViewEndingNext24
This sets the time frame to search for. Default = 0 - ViewCurrent.

Optional PagingParameters


If there are no errors with the input parameters, this call will respond with a 200 OK and the following data as serialized JSON

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
AutoAcceptPrice decimal positive # The price for an offer to be automatically accepted
AutoRejectPrice decimal positive # The price for an offer to be automatically rejected
BidCount integer positive # Number of bids on the item
BuyNowPrice decimal positive # The "Buy Now" price for an item, if applicable. Will be 0 if a "Buy Now" price is not set
CanOffer boolean true/false Does the Item accept Offers?
Counter integer Positive # Current view counter on the item
CurrentBid decimal positive # The current bid amount for the item (if applicable)
EndingDateTime datetime A valid datetime The ending date and time of the listing in US Eastern Time (deprecated)
EndingDateTimeUTC datetime A valid datetime The ending date and time of the listing in UTC
ExpirationDate datetime A valid datetime The expiration date and time of the listing
FixedPrice decimal positive # The fixed price value of the item (if applicable)
HasCounter boolean true / false Does the listing have a counter?
HasReserve boolean true/false Does the item have reserve price?
HasReserveBeenMet boolean true/false Has the reserved been meet on this item?
HighestBidderID integer positive # The user ID of the current highest bidder for the item (if applicable)
HighestBidderUserName string string The username of the current highest bidder for the item (if applicable)
HighestBidderFeedbackRating string string The feedback rating of the current highest bidder for the item (if applicable)
IsFFLRequired boolean true/false Does this item require a FFL?
IsFixedPrice boolean true/false Is this item a fixed price item?
ItemID integer positive # ID of the item sold
MinimumBid decimal positive # The minimum bid of the item.
ReservePrice decimal positive # The reserve price on the item
SellerID integer User Summary The user ID of the Seller of the item
SerialNumber string string The serial number of the item
SKU string string The SKU of the item
StartingBid decimal positive # The starting bid amount for the item (if applicable)
ThumbnailURL string A fully qualified url to an image file The location of the image file to be used as the thumbnail for the item
Title string string The title of the item
WatchersCount integer positive # Number of users who are currently watching the item
Quantity integer postive # The quantity of the item


Rel Description Condition
self The item details