/ItemStandardText GET

This end point allows the retrieval of the most recent version of all standard text entries for the logged-in user



Header Data Type Valid Values Required Description
Content-Type string application/json YES The format your data will be sent to our site.
X-DevKey string string YES The devkey assigned to the developer.
X-AccessToken string string YES The token acquired from a POST to Users/AccessToken.


NOTE: Variables to place in the query string of the request.

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
Nickname string Any string A keyphrase to search for in the nickname of the standard text entry
Sort integer 1 - Nickname Ascending
2 - Nickname Descending
3 - Create Date/Time Ascending
4 - Create Date/Time Descending
5 - Last Modified Date/Time Ascending
6 - Last Modified Date/Time Descending
7 - Object ID Ascending
8 - Object ID Descending
Sorts output based upon SortType. Default = 8 ( Object ID Descending )

Optional PagingParameters


If there are no errors with the input parameters, this call will respond with a 200 OK and the following data as serialized JSON

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
objectID integer positive # The object ID of the standard text entry
version integer postive # The version of the standard text entry
nickname string string The nickname of the standard text entry
text string string The actual standard text
createDateTime date/time ISO date/time format The date and time that the standard text entry was created
lastModDateTime date/time ISO date/time format The date and time that the standard text entry was last modified