/SavedSearches/{SavedSearchID} PUT

Updates saved searches for the authenticated user of the request.



Header Data Type Valid Values Required Description
Content-Type string application/json YES The format your data will be sent to our site.
X-DevKey string string YES The devkey assigned to the developer.
X-AccessToken string string YES The token acquired from a POST to Users/AccessToken.


NOTE: Variables to place in the body of the request.

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
BuyNowOnly boolean true/false Returns only BuyNow auctions if set to true.
CanOffer boolean true YES* If set to true, only returns items that accept offers. No effect if set to false.
Categories string Comma-seperated list of valid category ids Ex: Categories=3024,3026
Condition integer 0 - All Conditions

1 - New Items Only

2 - New and New Old Stock Items

3 - Used and New Old Stock Items

4 - Used Items Only

5 - New Old Stock Items Only

6 - New and Used Items
The condition an item is in.
CollectorsElite integer 1 - Live Collector's Elite Items Only

2 - Scheduled Collector's Elite Items Only

3 - All Collector's Elite Items
Optional. When specified this will only return Collector's Elite items.
Country string 2 character The ISO 2 character country code to search on. EX: Country=US for United States
EligibleForImmediateCheckout boolean true/false Whether or not this item can be purchased with a credit card immediately.
ExcludeWords string string Words or phrases that will be excluded from the search. Note you must also include Keywords to search on excluded words.
FreeShippingAvailable boolean true If set to true, only return items where an available shipping option is free. No effect if set to false.
HasPictures boolean true/false Return auctions with pictures if set to true. Return auctions without pictures if set to false
IncludeRelistsInEmail boolean true/false Do you want to see relisted items in your email notifications ( if email notifications are requested )?
IsFinanceable boolean true If set to true, only return items where financing is an available payment method.
Keywords string Keywords for search The keywords to use for search
KeywordOperator integer 0 - All Terms

1 - Any Term

2 - Exact Match
Whether to search by All Terms, Any Terms or Exact Match
LayawayAvailable boolean true Layway payment plan available.
MaxBidCount integer positive # The maximum number of bids an item can have.
MinBidCount integer positive # The minimum number of bids an item can have.
MaxPrice decimal positive # The maximum price an item can have.
MinPrice decimal positive # The minimum price an item can have.
MaxStartingBid decimal positive # The maximum starting bid an item can have.
MinStartingBid decimal positive # The minimum starting bid an item can have.
Name string string Short phrase to identify the SaveSearch. NOTE: Required!
NoCCFees boolean true If set to true, returns items that can be purchased with a credit card with no credit card fee. No effect if set to false.
NoReserve boolean true/false Return items with a reserve price if set to true. Return items without with a reserve price if set to false
PageSize integer positive # The maximum number of results you want to have returned.
Region string string If Country is US, CA, or AU - the ISO 2 character abbreviation for a state or province. Otherwise this is a free-form field.
SaveSearchDailyEmailNotification boolean true/false Do you want to receive a daily email that will give you a list of any item that matches your search criteria?
SellerName string string Username of the seller you want to look for.
SortBy integer 0 - Shortest time left Asc

1 - Longest time left Desc

2 - Item number Asc

3 - Item number Desc

4 - Item price Asc

5 - Item price Desc

6 - Starting date Asc

7 - Starting date Desc

8 - Bid count Asc

9 - Bid count Desc

10 - Quantity Asc

11 - Quantity Desc
The order in which the results are returned. Default = 0 - Shortest time left Asc
Timeframe integer 0 - View Current

3 - View Going Going Gone

4 - View New Calendar Today

5 - View Ending Calendar Today

6 - View New Last 24

7 - View New Last 48

16 - View Ending Next 24
This sets the time frame to search for. Default = 0 - View Current.
UPC string string UPC you would like to search for.
WillShipInternational boolean true/false Return items that are available to ship out of the country. Return items that are not available to ship out of the country


If the search cannot be found, this call will respond with a 404 NotFound

If the user access token doesn't match up with the user of the saved search, this call will respond with a 403 Forbidden

If the objectId in the URL is not a positive integer, this call will respond with a 400 BadRequest

If there are no errors, this call will respond with a 200 OK.