/Feedback/Summary/{userId} GET

This returns a feedback summary for a user.



Header Data Type Valid Values Required Description
Content-Type string application/json YES The format your data will be sent to our site.
X-DevKey string string YES The devkey assigned to the developer.
X-AccessToken string string Optional The token acquired from a POST to Users/AccessToken.


NOTE: Variables to place in the query string of the request.



If the user id is not valid, you will receive a 404 NotFound and a Message Response indicating the reason.

If there are no errors with the input parameters, this call will respond with a 200 OK and the following data as serialized JSON

Parameter Data Type Valid Values Description
IsUserRegistered boolean true/false Whether or not the user is still a registered user within GunBroker.com.
NegativeFeedback30Days integer 0 to positive # The total number of negative feedback counts for the given user within the last 30 days.
NegativeFeedback60Days integer 0 to positive # The total number of negative feedback counts for the given user within the last 60 days.
NegativeFeedback90Days integer 0 to positive # The total number of negative feedback counts for the given user within the last 90 days.
NegativeFeedback120Days integer 0 to positive # The total number of negative feedback counts for the given user within the last 120 days.
NegativeFeedback180Days integer 0 to positive # The total number of negative feedback counts for the given user within the last 180 days.
NegativeFeedback365Days integer 0 to positive # The total number of negative feedback counts for the given user within the last 365 days.
NegativeFeedbackPoints integer 0 to positive # The total number of negative feedback counts for the given user.
NeutralFeedback30Days integer 0 to positive # The total number of neutral feedback counts for the given user within the last 30 days.
NeutralFeedback180Days integer 0 to positive # The total number of neutral feedback counts for the given user within the last 180 days.
NeutralFeedback365Days integer 0 to positive # The total number of neutral feedback counts for the given user within the last 365 days.
NeutralFeedbackPoints integer 0 to positive # The total number of neutral feedback counts for the given user.
PositiveFeedback30Days integer 0 to positive # The total number of positive feedback counts for the given user within the last 30 days.
PositiveFeedback180Days integer 0 to positive # The total number of positive feedback counts for the given user within the last 180 days.
PositiveFeedback365Days integer 0 to positive # The total number of positive feedback counts for the given user within the last 365 days.
PositiveFeedbackPercentage decimal 0 to positive # The percentage of feedback for a given user that is positive feedback.
PositiveFeedbackPoints integer 0 to positive # The total number of positive feedback counts for the given user.
TotalFeedbackPoints integer 0 to positive # The total number of feedback counts for the given user.
User User Summary User Summary The User Summary for summary user.
SellerStoreUrl string string The Url to the seller store.


Rel Description Condition
details Feedback Details