Available REST calls

The following is a list of available GunBroker.com API endpoints and a brief description of functionality provided.

Some endpoints require an AccessToken as indictated below and must be sent over HTTPS. All endpoints that require AccessTokens must also be contain a DevKey header to be supplied by GunBroker.com.

Request Format

For GET and DELETE requests, the parameters (if any) must be sent via the URL.

For POST and PUT requests, the request body must be JSON, with the Content-Type header set to application/json.

Response Format

The response format for all requests is JSON.

Whether a request succeeded is indicated by the HTTP status code. A 2xx status code indicates success, whereas a 4xx or 5xx status code indicates failure. If the request is in a bad format, a 400 Bad Request will be returned. When a request fails, you will receive a MessageResponse with both a User Message and a Developer Message for debugging.

Access is granted to specific endpoints upon request. If you require access to additional endpoints, please request them by e-mailing [email protected].

Url Verb Functionality AccessToken Access?
/AddressBook GET Search your address book YES GRANTED
/BankAccounts GET Search your bank accounts YES GRANTED
/BankAccounts/Invalid POST Mark a bank account as invalid YES GRANTED
/Bid POST Bid on an item YES GRANTED
/Bid/Confirm POST Confirm bid YES GRANTED
/BillingInformation GET Get billing information YES GRANTED
/BuyNow POST Buy an item using BuyNow! feature YES GRANTED
/Categories GET Category information OPTIONAL GRANTED
/Categories/{categoryID} GET Single category information OPTIONAL GRANTED
/Categories/Hierarchy GET Return a hierarchical view of all categories YES GRANTED
/Countries GET Returns a list of countries YES GRANTED
/Coupons GET Returns a list of coupons based on search OPTIONAL GRANTED
/CreditCards GET Search your credit cards YES GRANTED
/CreditRequests GET Search your credit requests YES GRANTED
/Feedback POST Leave feedback YES GRANTED
/Feedback/{userID} GET User's feedback details OPTIONAL GRANTED
/Feedback/Summary/{userID} GET User's feedback summary OPTIONAL GRANTED
/FeedbackAwaiting GET Search items that are awaiting feedback YES GRANTED
/FFL/Zip/{zip} GET Search FFLs by zip OPTIONAL GRANTED
/FFLs/License/ GET Search FFL by Region, District and Sequence Number OPTIONAL GRANTED
/FixedPrice POST Buy fixed price item YES GRANTED
/FraudClaims/Buyer GET Search your fraud claims as a buyer YES GRANTED
/FraudClaims/Buyer/{ObjectID} DELETE Deleting a fraud claim for a buyer YES GRANTED
/FraudClaims/Seller GET Search your fraud claims as a seller YES GRANTED
/GunBrokerTime GET Current GunBroker.com time OPTIONAL GRANTED
/Items GET Search live items OPTIONAL GRANTED
/Items POST List an item YES GRANTED
/Items/?{itemIds} DELETE Delete multiple items by IDs YES GRANTED
/Items/{itemID} GET Single item OPTIONAL GRANTED
/Items/{itemID} PUT Edit single item YES GRANTED
/Items/{itemID}/Relist POST Relist single item YES GRANTED
/Items/Autocomplete GET Autocomplete items YES GRANTED
/Items/Showcase GET Random showcase items YES GRANTED
/Items?{itemIDs} GET Get multiple items by ID OPTIONAL GRANTED
/ItemsBidOn GET User's items bid on YES GRANTED
/ItemsCompleted GET Search completed items YES GRANTED
/ItemsNotWon GET User's items not won YES GRANTED
/ItemsScheduled GET Get your scheduled OPTIONAL GRANTED
/ItemsSelling GET Gets the user's active listings YES GRANTED
/ItemsSold GET Users's items sold YES GRANTED
/ItemsSold/{itemID} PUT Update flags on items YES GRANTED
/ItemStandardText GET Retrieves the standard text for the logged-in user YES GRANTED
/ItemsUnsold GET Users's items unsold YES GRANTED
/ItemsWatched GET User's watched items YES GRANTED
/ItemsWatched POST Add item to user's watched list YES GRANTED
/ItemsWatched/{itemID} DELETE Delete item from user's watched list YES GRANTED
/ItemsWon GET User's items won YES GRANTED
/ItemsWon/{itemID} PUT Update Items won flags YES GRANTED
/Messages/AskUser POST Contact a user YES GRANTED
/Messages/ContactFFL POST Contact a FFL YES GRANTED
/Messages/SentToFriend POST Contact a friend YES GRANTED
/Orders/{orderID} GET Retrieve an order detail. YES GRANTED
/Orders/{orderID}/Flags PUT Set order flags YES GRANTED
/Orders/{OrderID}/Update PUT Set FFL Shipping details YES GRANTED
/Orders/{OrderID}/UpdateFFL PUT Update the FFL Number on an existing order YES GRANTED
/OrdersShippingPut PUT Update Order details YES GRANTED
/OrdersSold GET Search your sold orders YES GRANTED
/OrdersWon GET Search your won orders YES GRANTED
/PaymentLog GET Return payment log information for a seller's orders YES GRANTED
/Pictures GET Get pictures for an item YES GRANTED
/Pictures/{itemID} POST Add pictures to an item YES GRANTED
/Pictures/{pictureID} DELETE Delete pictures for an item YES GRANTED
/Preferences GET User's notification preferences YES GRANTED
/Preferences PUT Set a user's notification preferences YES GRANTED
/SavedSearches GET User's saved searches YES GRANTED
/SavedSearches POST Create a save searches YES GRANTED
/SavedSearches/{SavedSearchID} DELETE Delete Saved searches YES GRANTED
/SavedSearches/{SavedSearchID} PUT Update Saved searches YES GRANTED
/Shipments GET Get shipment history YES GRANTED
/Shipments/{ShipmentID} DELETE Deleting a shipment YES GRANTED
/ShippingProfile/{shippingProfileID} GET Returns the Profile Type when given a ShippingProfileID YES GRANTED
/ShippingProfile/{shippingProfileID}/{Value} GET Returns the cost by quantity, cost by price or cost by weight when given shippingProfileID and value parameters YES GRANTED
/ShippingProfileSearch GET Search your shipping profiles YES GRANTED
/TransGuardian/Authenticate POST Authenticate to TransGuardian OPTIONAL GRANTED
/TransGuardian/Insurance POST Purchasing insurance for a shipment OPTIONAL GRANTED
/TransGuardian/Rates GET Get TransGuardian Rates YES GRANTED
/TransGuardian/Shipment POST Purchasing a shipping label for a shipment OPTIONAL GRANTED
/Users/AccessToken POST Acquires a user access token OPTIONAL GRANTED
/Users/AccessToken DELETE Deactivates a user's access token YES GRANTED
/Users/AccountInfo GET Get the logged-in user's account information YES GRANTED
/Users/AutoComplete GET Autocomplete Username OPTIONAL GRANTED
/Users/BusinessAddress DELETE Deleting user's business address YES GRANTED
/Users/ContactInfo GET Get user information YES GRANTED
/Users/FFL DELETE Deleting user's FFL information YES GRANTED

Access is granted to specific endpoints upon request. If you require access to additional endpoints, please request them by e-mailing [email protected].